Calculation karya Hermawan - Sastra Education


Rabu, 25 Desember 2019

Calculation karya Hermawan

I woke up in the morning , seeing the water blanket phon lubungi yards ahead of me. The thickness is not even two inches, but it rains just a little in the northern part of Jogja. The first case I handled was finished. The assassination of the Minister of State Secretary drove me crazy and tired so that my entire body felt rusty on the bed.
"Morning friend," Surya said as he sipped a cup of coffee. After that case, Surya and I built my old business to be jointly managed. I was shocked from my bed
Surya smiles and taps on the pipe. Lately he started smoking pipes as part of his new habits, imitating old habits in the fifties.
I quote the old adage while chuckling, then a moment later, we were very surprised because there was a sound coming from my room.
" What's that? " I shouted.
"Marvelus!" Surya snapped . " It really seems like there is an 'uninvited guest' like you said earlier in your room . "

" But how can people enter ? Even though there is no other door except for this room. "
"Your memory is very good , Surya. Now try to find an explanation. "
"The window! So a thief? It must be so hard to climb it doesn't even seem possible. "
I got up then walked toward the p intu. But I stopped because there was a sound of people fiddling with the door from that side .
The door opens slowly. A man stands in the doorway. His whole body, from head to toe, was full of dust and mud. His face was thin and pale. He stared at us for a moment, then stumbled and fell. I quickly approached, then looked up and said to me,
"Take a quick drink . "
Hurry up Surya t put water into the glass and give it to you. I managed to calm him down a little, the two of us lifted him up, then we carried him to the couch. A few minutes later, he opened his eyes and looked around with a blank look.
"You want what?" I asked .
The man opened his mouth and then spoke in a strange automatic tone .
"Captain Garuda,"
"Captain Garuda, " I said firmly
That person doesn't seem to understand. D he just repeats again with the same tone,
"Captain Garuda . "
I tried asking a few things. People are sometimes - sometimes not answer at all ; sometimes he just repeated the same words. Surya suggests that I call.
"Call Dr. Ridwan . "
Fortunately the doctor was there ; and because his house was just round the corner, a few minutes later he had arrived.
" What's this? "
I gave him a brief explanation, and the doctor began examining our strange guest , who seemed oblivious to our presence.
"Hm!" Said Dr. Ridwan after he finished.
" A strange disease. "
" Is it brain fever? " I asked.
The doctor snorted mockingly.
" Brain fever! Brain fever! There is no it . It's just a rock - written by writers. No, this man has experienced a great kind of shock. She came here only with willpower alone - to let you know that the President will be killed, and he was only repeating words - words like a machine, without knowing what it means. "
" Does he suffer from sudden disability?" I asked curiously.
My question did not make the doctor snort as good as before. He did not answer, but gave the man the paper and pencil.
" Let's see what he does now, " he said.
For a long time the person did nothing. But then - suddenly she-menuils nervously. And suddenly he stopped and dropped the paper and pencil . The doctor picked it up, then shook his head.
" Ta k there is nothing. Only Garuda captain who wrote many - times, each time getting bigger. I hope he wants to write Captain Garuda . Really interesting this case - very interesting. Dapatka h you keep him here until na nti lunch? Now I have to go to the hospital, but I will go back in the afternoon and take care of him. This patient's case is too interesting to let go by. "
" Let's lift her up to bed in my room."
I sometimes mute and sometimes talk a lot. Kada ng times I sat brooding alone out jend ela, like those who were dreaming, as if nothing is de ngarnya anything Surya tell me . Then, suddenly tire yak my speech, and devote ber wide mandate and command at Surya , and book right that Sun kept sending news in the form of a secret.
" A h! Damned right! ”I shouted suddenly. "This idiot really is me. Finally, now I understand. "
"Well, now, Irawan," said Surya d ith annoyed, "Now maybe you're going to tell me what this is all. "
"The thing is, my friend, I just understood. " " It's only obvious to me. "
" It should," said Surya , " tap i I'm afraid - I'm afraid all this is unclear to you. "
" You don't understand? I wasn't either. But now I understand. Surya , someone tried to get rid of Captain Garuda. "
" What? "Surya asked. "Get rid of Captain Garuda. Means pointing towards you "
" True or not, but d he had not noticed the Garuda Capt identity. In a very neat way. Both the place and the method were chosen based on extensive knowledge and with great expertise . They are afraid of Captain Garuda . "
" Who? "
"I do not know for sure, but maybe d he or they are very genius and power and have joined and cooperate against the law. "
" Do you think our guest is in danger? "
" I'm sure. "
Surya checks the person's breath. Then he called me, his voice was chaotic.
"Irawan , he's dead. "
I ran over. The man still lay as he had left us earlier, but was dead, even dead for some time. I ran out again to look for a doctor. I know Dr. Ridwan is definitely not back yet . In just a short time I found another doctor.
" He is indeed dead, poor person. Apparently a bum who has become your best friend? "
"That's the way it is," I replied , circumventing . "What is the cause of death, Doctor? "
" Hard to say. Maybe some sort of surprise attack. There are signs that he has lost consciousness . Is there no gas lighting here? "
" Nothing, just electric lights - nothing else.
" And the two windows were opened. I think it has been about two hours since he died. You will definitely tell the authorities, right? "
Then I leave. I called several people. Finally, surprisingly Surya, I called our old friend, inspector Heri, and asked if he might be able to come.
Just when all the activities were over, a big man appeared.
His eyes are rounded, he said,
" There are people from Pakem from the Mental Hospital. Seriously. Am I invited to come here? "
We agreed, and a large, well-built man in uniform was invited inside.
" Good morning, gentlemen! "He said cheerfully. " I heard that one of my pets is here. Last night he ran away. "
"He was here," I said calmly.
" He doesn't run anymore? "The officer asked anxiously.
" He is dead. "
The man looks more relieved than the other way around.
" Is that so? Well, I'm sure it's better for all parties. "
" Is he - dangerous? "
" There is a tendency to kill, you mean? Ah no. He does not interfere. He has a fear of being chased badly. His brain is full of secret societies from China, which has made him silence. Such people are all the same. "
I shivered. 
" How long has he locked up?" I asked .
" About two years already. "
"I understand," I said calmly.
" Does no one also think he might be sane? "
The clerk laughed.
" If he is sane, why is he in a mental hospital? You know, they all say they're sane. "
I did not say anything else lag i. He invited the officer in to see the corpse. That person can immediately recognize him.
" It is true that he - suitable, " said the officer furiously.
" What a strange person he is. Now, gentlemen, I should just go now to prepare everything. We will not bother you for long with this corpse. If there is a police investigation later, I'm sure you will have to appear. Good morning, gentlemen. "
After bowing stiffly, he came out.
A few minutes later, Heri arrived. The Inspector from Yogyakarta is manly and stylish as usual.
"Well, Irawan's detective . What can I help you with? I think today you have arrived at a rocky island or somewhere else. "
"Good heri , I want to know if you have seen this person. "
Heri was invited to enter his bedroom. The inspector looked into the face of the person who was lying on the bed, with a face full of question marks.
" Let me remember - I think I know this person and usually I can be proud of my memories . Oh, God, this is Henri Su ! "
"And who is this Henri Su ? "
"Someone from the Police Department ta pi is not our guy. He went to China five years ago. The news never heard the news again . During this time we thought the Chinese people in China had killed him. "
"Everything fits very well," I said after Heri left again, " Except for the fact that he died naturally."
I remained standing staring at the immovable body with a contorted face, making it feel dissatisfied. Because of the wind, the window curtains waved outside, and I suddenly looked up.
" Did you open the windows after you lay him in bed earlier, Surya ? "
"No," Surya said . " As far as I can remember, everything is closed. "
I suddenly looked up.
"Closed and now everything is open. What does it mean. "
" Someone entered the window window," Surya said .
"Maybe," I corrected , but spoke in a daze and without conviction . A few minutes later, I said, " That's not what I'm thinking, Surya. If only a window was open, I wouldn't be too curious. Because both of them are open, I think it's strange "
I rushed to the other room.
" The living room window is open too. Even though it was closed when we left. Ah! "
I leaned over the dead man, then examined the corners of his mouth carefully.
Then suddenly I looked up.
"His mouth was blocked, Surya . Gag and then poisoned.
" Jeez! " I cried, very surprised . "I think we will know everything, after the corpse examination later. "
" We will find nothing . He was killed for inhaling a strong blue acid poison . The poison was pressed on his nose. Then the killer left again, after first opening all the windows. Hydroyanic acid is very volatile, but it is famous for its bitter smell like the smell of almonds. Because there are no traces that can cause suspicion , and because there is no suspicion of a dirty game, the doctors will surely state that his death is reasonable. So this person used to work at the Police Service, Surya. And five years ago he disappeared into China . "
" For the past two years , he has been in a mental hospital here, " I said. " But what happened in the previous three years ? "
I shook my head, then suddenly gripped Surya's arm.
"Book, Surya, look at the book . "
Surya followed the direction of his eyes on the fireplace. The book is titled The Slaughterer .
"Amazing , I've never read that book or bought that book , understand you? "
" But what are they doing this for? What does it mean so that people think that the crime seems to have happened because of a book ? "
" No, that's not it. Set your mind. Use small cells to pumpkin. If only you said Henri Su. You might hear something and then you know that your death has arrived. You only have time to leave the mark. Book titled Slaughter, Surya. Could he be the killer, How clever! ”
I ran to another room , then picked up the receiver . He asked to be connected to Pakem .
" Is there a mental hospital? I heard that someone ran away today, is that right? What? Wait a minute. Can you repeat? Ah! Exactly. "
He put the receiver back down, then turned to me.
" Did you hear my conversation ? There was absolutely no one who ran away. "
"But the person who came here was the officer? " I said.
"I want to know, I really want to know. "
" You mean? "
"The Murderer . "
Surya looked at me without being able to say anything. A few moments later, after being able to speak again, I said, " We will recognize that person again , somewhere, that's for sure. That person has a personality that is easily recognizable. "
"Is that so, really crazy ? I guess not . The person is straight and looks stupid, his face is red, has a thick mustache, and his voice is hoarse.
Now surely those traits no longer existed in him, furthermore, his eyes were hard to describe, his ears were hard to decipher, and he made perfect dentures. Striking li someone is not s emudah imagine. Next time"
" Do you piki r will still be there the next time?" Surya interrupted.
My face me njadi very seriously.
" This will be a battle between death and life . You and I on one side, the massacre on the other. They had won the wiles of the first; but they have failed to get rid of me , and in the future they still have to make a calculation with Captain Garuda ! "

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